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The museum in Savery
for the season
We will we will be closed until
Memorial Day Weekend.
Please call 303-388-7788
If you need help
or to reserve the museum.


 About Us

Originally, the main Little Snake River Museum building and property belonged to the Savery School. Once schools consolidated in Baggs in 1972, Carbon County School District 1 donated the building to the community for the creation of the museum and to host different events. Now, the school houses numerous exhibits, with five of the retired classrooms now educating visitors on Snake River history through displays. Over the years, numerous historic buildings have joined the museum. Everything on display was either donated or is on loan. The efforts of many individuals built the museum into what it is today.

A gift shop and picnic space are available to visitors. The museum also provides event space for a variety of activities. If you are interested, contact the museum. 

Museum Board

Keith Duncan



Joe Jussila 

Vice President

(307) 383-2317

Rox Hicks



Sherry Weber

(307) 383-7857

Susan Leonhardt 


Jim Roberts


Museum Staff

Lela Emmons - Director

Nikki Devlin- Assistant Director- Archivist

Rodney - Maintenance

Kristen Wille- Greeting and Office support

Missy Smith- Greeting and Gardens

Myra Cox - Housekeeping

Katie Shepard - Greeting and Office Support

Jen Wood- Greeting and Gardens

Little Snake River Museum
"Preserving our History for the Valley's Future"
Savery, Wyoming
Open daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (seasonal)
The Outlaw Stop in Baggs is open Friday-Sunday (seasonal).

LSR Museum 
Event Coordinator
Schedule, plan, and implement
museum events, 
work with patrons for
private events, monitor events...  
Position is part-time
working weekends. 
Applications due by 3/17/25.
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