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The museum in Savery
for the season
We will we will be closed until
Memorial Day Weekend.
Please call 303-388-7788
If you need help
or to reserve the museum.

 MacPherson Sheep Center

This building dedicated to the history of sheep ranching in the area was built with a generous donation from John A. and Catherine MacPherson to house their collection of sheep wagons.  There is not a collection of sheepwagons quite like this in Wyoming. It contains wagons used by different sheep companies around Carbon County.  While this building transports visitors to "sheep camp," they can see how wool was processed, learn about sheep ranching methods, and even read about the controversial sheep and cattle wars that occurred long ago.  

*This building is also available for private events upon request.  Contact the museum for more information.

Little Snake River Museum
"Preserving our History for the Valley's Future"
Savery, Wyoming
Open daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (seasonal)
The Outlaw Stop in Baggs is open Friday-Sunday (seasonal).

LSR Museum 
Event Coordinator
Schedule, plan, and implement
museum events, 
work with patrons for
private events, monitor events...  
Position is part-time
working weekends. 
Applications due by 3/17/25.
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