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The museum in Savery
for the season
We will we will be closed until
Memorial Day Weekend.
Please call 303-388-7788
If you need help
or to reserve the museum.


Have an idea for an event or activity? Please call and let us know.

 2023 Events and Activities

2024 Events at the LSR Museum

Always call to confirm dates and times 307-383-7262

March 2024:

27th: Life and Times- Maggie Baggs presentation by Ciara Pares Kempf
5:00 in Baggs at the Ed Center 
30th: Easter Egg Hunt at the museum- 11:00 In Savery- Sponsored by the Little Rascals Preschool

April 2024:

2nd: Life and Times - 5:00 in Baggs Topic: 4-H

May 2024:

4th: J Sheehan Retirement Party-Everyone welcome-Sheepwagon building 4:00
16th: Pioneer Day for 3rd, 4th and 5th grades.
18th: Private Event- Sheepwagon Building (Duncan)
19th: Private Event- Sheepwagon Building (Rodriguez)
22nd: Life and Times - 5:00 in Savery Topic- TBD
24th: Opening day in Savery and Baggs
25th: Agnes Stocks- Celebration of life   2:00 in Savery

26th: Memorial BBQ- 11:30 Service at Reader Cemetery- 12:00 at the museum. Burgers and hotdogs supplied. Please bring a side dish or dessert.

26th: Private Event- 4:00 (DC)

31st- June 2nd- Emergency Services activities at the museum in Savery

June 2024:

1st: Private Event- Rusty's. 1:00-4:00 (B-Day)
1st & 2nd: EMS activities- 
8th: Flea Market in Savery. 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. Set-up at 8:00 AM
Bring your good stuff to sell or come to buy, buy, buy!
You can donate things at the museum table.
22nd: Private Event- Sheepwagon Building(Wille)
23rd: Private Event- Sheepwagon Building 1:00 Farmland Trust Board Meeting (O'Toole)
24-27: Camp Peak

26th: Life and Times:  Light dinner will be served. Starts at 5:00 PM.Topic TBD

29th: Private Event- Sheepwagon Building (Duncan)
30th: Memorial for Paul McAllister- 2:00 Sheepwagon Building (McAllister)

July 2024:
4th of July: Family Fun Day! Come enjoy yard games, watermelon, and ice cream at the museum. This event runs from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM but we are open all day. Free
13th: Outdoor Concert-  Enjoy an evening of live music and concessions at the museum with the band, Woodland Park. Food and drink vendors start at 6:30 PM concert at 7:30 PM. Free
16th: Tour de Wyoming Cycling tour meets at the museum10:00-2:00 
19th: Celebration of Life for Dixie Baldwin- 11:00 Lunch to follow
20th-21st: Ride the Divide Antique Tractor Drive. See the tractors from 9:00-10:00 AM on Saturday before they leave the museum. See them again on Sunday when they return from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM.
24th: Life and Times 5:00 PM at the museum, Topic: Summer Activities

August 2024:

3rd: Private Event- Sheepwagon Building (W Duncan)

4th: Private Event- Sheepwagon Building (Bridal Shower)

7th: 5:00 Carbon County Economic Development Commission Board Meeting- Sheepwagon Building

17th- Memorial for Janice Jons Sherman- 11:00 Sheepwagon Building. Everyone welcome (Mulligan)

17th- Barn Dance- 8-11 p.m.

28th: Life and Times 5:00 "Sacajawea: Mystery, Myth, and Legend" By: Candy Moulton

September 2024:

1st: Private Party- Sheepwagon Building (Birthday Lunch)

8th: Community BBQ- Music by Sam Platts and the Plainsmen

29th Fall Trek- Tentative date- Topic TBD

25th-Life & Times- Topic:TBD

October 2024:
6th: Fall Fest 2:00-4:00
At the museum in Savery Games, prizes, music, sweets, crafts, costumes,...
23rd: Life and Times- Topic TBD
Museum Closes- "Some Cold Day in October" 

November 2024:
No Life & Times this month

December 2024:
 No Life & Times this month


Little Snake River Museum
"Preserving our History for the Valley's Future"
Savery, Wyoming
Open daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (seasonal)
The Outlaw Stop in Baggs is open Friday-Sunday (seasonal).

LSR Museum 
Event Coordinator
Schedule, plan, and implement
museum events, 
work with patrons for
private events, monitor events...  
Position is part-time
working weekends. 
Applications due by 3/17/25.
Find the

Use the basement or the grounds for your event